Decoding Success: The behind great advertising campaigns

18 de mayo de 2024

Digital marketing has revolutionized the advertising landscape worldwide. Over the years, we have witnessed campaigns that, beyond promoting a product or service, have left a lasting impression on consumers’ minds. But what really makes a campaign stand out and become iconic? Let’s explore some of the secrets behind several memorable campaigns.

Nike – «Just Do It»

Secret: Emotionality and motivation.

Nike’s famous slogan doesn’t focus on their athletic footwear, but on drive and determination. This campaign connects with the internal spirit of overcoming challenges, making the audience feel that anything is possible. By appealing to deep emotions, Nike made this concept resonate across generations. But what is the true meaning of this concept? The slogan’s creator, Dan Wieden, mentioned in an interview that it stemmed from the last words of a man sentenced to death in 1977 in Utah (United States) after committing two murders. At that time, the death penalty existed, and he was given a choice of how he would die. On the day of his death, he was asked if he had any final words, to which he replied, «Just do it.»

Regardless of its history, Nike achieved its goal by providing a sense of motivation to its audience.

Apple – «1984»

Secret: Breaking conventions.

The commercial aired during the 1984 Super Bowl introduced Apple’s Macintosh as a tool of liberation against conformity, becoming a masterpiece of advertising. Inspired by the dystopia presented by George Orwell in his novel «1984,» the ad depicted a world controlled by «Big Blue» (representing IBM) and how an athlete, symbolizing Apple, broke that control. The impact was immediate: Apple sold 72,000 computers in just 100 days after the commercial aired, exceeding all expectations. This commercial was not only acclaimed for its creativity but also considered one of the best of all time.

On the other hand, the «Think Different» campaign launched in 1997 aimed to restore the brand’s image. Through black and white images of iconic figures like Albert Einstein and Martin Luther King Jr., Apple celebrated those who dared to think differently and change the world. This campaign was not only internationally acclaimed but also helped Apple regain its prestige and triple its stock value in one year.

Dove – «Real Beauty»

Secret: Authenticity and representation.

In an industry filled with unattainable ideals, Dove chose to showcase real beauty. In 2004, Dove disrupted the advertising world with a campaign that would become one of the most iconic: «Real Beauty.» This initiative is remembered not only for its boldness but also for how it challenged and transformed traditional beauty stereotypes, celebrating the diversity of female beauty instead.

The main challenge Dove took on was to revolutionize the conversation around beauty. The brand decided to move away from the norm of using digitally retouched models who fit a specific aesthetic ideal and instead featured real women. These women, representing all ages, sizes, shapes, and races, became the face of a new definition of beauty.

One of the main lessons from this campaign is the transformative power of breaking stereotypes and communicating authentically with consumers. This campaign demonstrated that brands have the potential to be agents of positive change, influencing how people perceive themselves and the world around them. Following this, the brand also used social media to amplify its message, with other viral campaigns like «Dove Real Beauty Sketches,» which showed how women often view their beauty more critically than others do.

Old Spice – «The man your man could smell like»

Secreto: Humor e innovación.

A pesar de ser una marca establecida, Old Spice rejuveneció su imagen con una campaña divertida y sorprendente. La mezcla de humor con un formato creativo e inesperado generó conversación, memes y un alto nivel de engagement en redes sociales.

En 2010, Old Spice irrumpió en las redes sociales con una de las campañas más memorables, donde no solo se presentaron videos virales que capturaron la atención del público, sino que también ofrecieron una propuesta única: la posibilidad de que el icónico «chico de Old Spice» creara videos personalizados para sus fans y bloggers. Se realizaron más de 180 videos, con más de 23,000 comentarios y actualmente el video original cuenta con más de 60 millones de visualizaciones en YouTube. Para esta campaña aprovecharon perfiles reconocidos del momento como Ryan Seacrest y Perez Hilton, lo que hizo que se hiciera más viral.

Coca-Cola – «Comparte una Coca-Cola»

Secreto: Personalización y comunidad.

Al reemplazar su icónico logo con nombres comunes, Coca-Cola invitó a los consumidores a encontrar y compartir botellas con sus seres queridos. Esta personalización masiva creó una sensación de comunidad y pertenencia, incentivando la interacción y la compra.

Con una visión clara del mercado objetivo, la campaña se diseñó pensando en la generación millennial. Al aprovechar su inclinación hacia las redes sociales, Coca-Cola pudo establecer una conexión más profunda con esta demografía. La campaña se benefició enormemente de un enfoque basado en datos. Con objetivos claros, como aumentar las ventas en Australia y establecer un vínculo directo con sus consumidores, Coca-Cola pudo trazar una ruta clara hacia el éxito.

What do these examples tell us?

Advertising success doesn’t simply lie in having a quality product or a big budget. The most iconic campaigns are those that manage to connect on an emotional level, break paradigms, and understand and reflect the values and desires of their audience.

If we look closely, we can identify patterns and strategies that these brands used to stand out.

Emotional connection: Campaigns that create deep emotional connections are more likely to resonate with their audience. Nike and Dove are clear examples of how touching the heart can result in a successful campaign. Creative bravery: Apple wasn’t afraid to break the mold and present something completely new, demonstrating that boldness, when well executed, can change the game entirely. Interaction and participation: Campaigns that invite the public to interact and participate directly tend to have a greater impact. Coca-Cola did this with its consumers, creating a sense of community and belonging. Reinvention and adaptation: Established brands should not fear reinvention. Old Spice, despite being a brand with history, showed that adapting and rejuvenating its image can be key to connecting with new generations. Deep understanding of the audience: Beyond selling a product or service, successful brands connect with their audience, their hopes, desires, and fears. By reflecting this in their campaigns, they are demonstrating empathy and generating loyalty. When designing a campaign, it is essential not only to think about the ‘what’ is being promoted but also the ‘why’ and the ‘how’. Emotions, originality, and genuine connection are necessary in modern marketing; those brands that understand and apply these principles are more likely to create campaigns that become legendary.

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